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Beige bomber jacket with luxurious arctic fox fur

In stock
SKU: ПБ21-Песок-СГ-Бриз-44

Beige bomber jacket with luxurious arctic fox fur

The novelty of this season, developed by our designers. The model is essentially a hybrid of a women's parka and a fur bomber jacket, since it is made on an elastic band below, which will not only protect you from the wind, but also visually reduce your waistline.Due to its length, it is very compact and absolutely does not hinder movement.  It will definitely be convenient for auto-ice, which will allow you to comfortably control your car. The length of this (as we call it yet) semi-park is 60 cm. It is additionally insulated with silicone, due to which it is very warm. Its technical advantages are completed by elasticated cuffs, which will prevent the sleeves from slipping, and most importantly protect them from blizzards.

Beige bomber jacket with luxurious arctic fox fur

Now let's move on to design advantages, the visiting card of any fur park is its hood. We did not change these canons and made a respectable fur hood.
Well, the main trump card of this park - the bomber - is its furry edge in principle.

We also want to remind you that we have such women's jackets with fur in other colors (blue, sapphire, khaki, beige, black) that you can also order as a set.
For example, taking one mechvy edge and several jackets, which you can change depending on the weather or your mood.

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Product material
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Kind of clasp Молния|Крючки
Lining material Parka textile
Kind of insulation Silicone
Kind of fur Arctic fox
Country of manufacturer Ukraine
Length of the model (cm) 60
Product material Arctic fox
Warranty period, month 9
Color Бежевый
Kinds of colour Black, Khaki, Sapphire, Бежевый, Красный, Синий
Возможные виды меха Red Fox, Rabbit, Red Fox, Silver fox, Mink, Arctic fox
Other sizes 44, 46, 48, 50, 52
  • Local shipping in Ukraine by delivery company "Nova Poshta (", 1–2 business days.

  • International shipping by delivery company  "UKRposhta (", 1–2 business days.


  • Cash
  • Visa or MasterCard
  • Application for online payment Privat24 or MONObank


9 month warranty

Return or change women`s fur clothes carried out in the way according Ukrainian lagislation in terms of 14 days.

Dear customers, you can always get wire consultation by our managers in chat, Viber or cellular call

Reviews 1
Доброго дня.
Давно мріяла про бомбер з хутро.
Отримала куртку і просто в захваті від якості пошиву, підкладка м'яка, сама куртка дуже тепла.
дякую Вам дуже за гарну річ.
Але маю одне прохання. Розмір малуватий. Дуже прошу Вас замінити 46 рр на 48. Буду вдячна, якщо зі мною зконтактуються Ваші представники. Дякую.

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